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Increasing Tag Coverage
Updated over a week ago

Ways to increase your capture rate

Different actions can be done in the platform to increase a tag’s capture rate. These following actions include:

  1. Adding Intents from the “suggested intents or words” box

  2. Using the “documents with no tags” filter

  3. Creating another tag with an existing tag’s name

Adding Intents from the “suggested intents or words “ box

A tag’s capture rate can be increased by adding Intents from the “suggested intents or words” box to the tag. The Intents or words suggested by the platform are based on the dataset and the parameters of the tag.

For example, for the tag paypal_linking the platform suggested the Intent connect. This Intent fits well with the tag since the document samples display instances where customers are having trouble linking their Paypal account. Adding the Intent connect to the tag’s parameters would then increase the tag’s capture rate by +1.30%.

Documents with no tags

The “documents with no tags” filter can also help a tag’s capture rate by showing the user all the documents that are not currently tagged in Lang. The user can then use those search results to figure out what Intents are left and what updates need to be made.

In addition, if the user is trying to build a tag based off of certain metadata, the “documents with no tags” filter can be used to see what isn’t captured in relation to it. For example, the metadata tag lang_increase_limit in relation to the “documents with no tags” filter indicates that four documents were not tagged by Lang.

The top Intents' table on the left can also be used to indicate what remaining Intents are left. This can be helpful to the user if the remaining Intents are applicable to the tag being built.

Creating another tag with an existing tag’s name

Creating another tag with an existing tag’s name in the platform can increase a tag’s capture rate by using the other tag for different rules. For example, the tag login_issues can include the rule login and issue as parameters, while the other login_issues tag can include the rule password and reset. Together, these rules with the same tag name will perform two different searches in the platform. As these searches are conducted, the capture rate will increase.



How will multiple tags with the same name in Lang impact Zendesk?

Zendesk will treat it as one tag as long as the name is the same.

How can I add a suggested word or Intent to the second row of my tag?

Suggested words or Intents can be added to the second row of a tag by typing them in manually.

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